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Aurora Forecast For The Next 3 Days

Aurora Forecast for the Next 3 Days

Check Your Chances of Seeing the Northern Lights

If you're planning to travel to northern Norway to see the Aurora Borealis, our hourly and daily forecast can help you maximize your chances. Our forecast provides updates every 2 minutes during nighttime hours, letting you know the probability of seeing the Northern Lights for the next 3 days.

Forecast for Tonight

For tonight, the probability of seeing the Aurora Borealis is 30-60%. We recommend checking our forecast 30-60 minutes before you plan to go out to see the lights, as conditions can change quickly.

Northern and Southern Lights

Our forecast also provides information about the Southern Lights, for those traveling to the Southern Hemisphere. The forecast is available for Tromso, Oslo, Svalbard, and many other locations. It covers the months of January, February, March, September, October, and November.

To stay up-to-date with the latest forecast, visit our website or download our app. You can also follow us on social media for real-time updates.

Note: The forecast is based on historical data and current weather conditions, and cannot guarantee that you will see the Aurora Borealis. However, it can help you plan your trip to maximize your chances of seeing this amazing natural phenomenon.
