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Aurora Forecast For North America

Aurora Forecast for North America

Intensity and Location Predictions

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a short-term forecast for the location and intensity of the aurora borealis over North America for tonight and tomorrow night.

Tonight's Forecast

This evening, the aurora borealis is predicted to be visible in the northernmost regions of North America, including Alaska, northern Canada, and the northernmost parts of the United States.

The intensity of the aurora is expected to be moderate to strong, with the best viewing conditions expected between midnight and 2 AM local time.

Tomorrow Night's Forecast

Tomorrow night, the aurora borealis is predicted to be visible in a wider area of North America, including the northern United States and southern Canada.

The intensity of the aurora is expected to be weak to moderate, with the best viewing conditions expected between 11 PM and 1 AM local time.

Citizen Science

NOAA encourages citizen scientists to report sightings of the aurora borealis through the Aurorasaurus website.

These reports help scientists track the location and intensity of the aurora, and can also be used to improve future forecasts.
